STEPS IN A BANKRUPCY CASE Mandatory Credit Counseling You must obtain a certificate from an approved credit counseling agency before you can file your case. It is expected that this can be done over the internet and will likely cost approximately $35- 45. A copy of any payment plan devised by the counseling service must…

Convert a Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7 A chapter 13 client (currently in a payment plan with a confirmed case) has had a significant revenue loss due to the virus. They told me they wanted to apply for a SBA loan under the CARES act. However, in reading through the application guidelines, these loans…

How to file a bankruptcy book. This book discusses the “nuts and bolts” of getting a bankruptcy petition completed with or without an attorney. I previously published a book titled: “Should I file a bankruptcy?” That book was written specifically for the person CONSIDERING filing for a bankruptcy. That book was designed to be an aid…

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